Articles and Resources
I'd like to share here some articles and resources about the Diamond Approach

Diamond Approach Cascadia Region
The Cascadia region includes Washington, Oregon, and British Columbia. I live in Seattle, work with students in Seattle and Portland, and have offered events throughout the region.
I'm often asked about Diamond Approach groups in the region, so here's some history, information, and a link to our regional website.
Five Diamond Approach groups have formed in the Cascadia region over the past thirty years or so. There is currently not an open group, but we hold various public events, and students can work with private teachers. These activities will "seed" another group forming at some point. If you sign up for my mailing list on my contact page, or through the regional website, you'll be in the loop to know about both events and future groups.

ARTICLES - Body as a Portal of Transformation
The Diamond Approach is an embodied path: we want our bodies open, honed, and aware as instruments of sensing, and we want our essential nature expressed through the living flesh. I've worked with mind-body-spirit for decades – through the Diamond Approach, as a bodyworker, and through studies in psychology. The buttons below lead to some articles I wrote.
Diamond Approach in Japan
I lived in Japan from 1979-1994, maintain a close connection to that culture, and offer introductory Diamond Approach workshops in Tokyo. If you have friends in Japan who would like to try private sessions or attend future workshops, the button below takes you to my Japan website.

Hawai'i Diamond Approach
I found the Diamond Approach soon after I moved to Maui in 1994. Although I moved to Seattle in 2005, I travel to the islands to participate in Hawai'i Diamond Approach retreats and am one of the teachers for a new group forming there. Use the button below to learn about the Hawai'i Diamond Approach 4 group.